Onsite American Heart Association BLS Provider Training in Somerset County:The Bedrock Clinic

The Bedrock Clinic and Research Center, Inc is a clinic-based program with several locations across New Jersey. They offer behavior analytic services to individuals with developmental disabilities and behavioral disorders across the lifespan. Their program embraces a holistic model in which parents and caregiver training plays a large role. As a leading agency within this clinical specialty the leadership recognized professional level CPR/AED training as an important certification for all its staff to obtain and maintain. The American Heart Association (AHA) Basic Life Support (BLS) training and certifications were provided to the Bedrock Clinic staff in Bridgewater, NJ by CPR Certification Solutions, LLC

The Providers at Bedrock Clinic and Research Center, Inc learning CPR skills including:
How to recognize Cardiac Arrest
How to perform High Quality CPR
Working as a team to provide First Aid and CPR
How to perform CPR on an Infant, Child, and Adult
AHA Instructors Neil Tucker and Sean Watson taught the CPR/AED training to 12 students. These providers demonstrated the necessary skills to complete their BLS training and finished the course with the confidence to provide High Quality CPR if called upon. It was an honor and a positive energy experience teaching these caregivers at the Bedrock Clinic the necessary skills to recognize an emergency and potentially save a life.
CPR Certification Solutions, LLC has certified American Heart Association instructors experienced in working with Providers that care and treat clients with behavioral, emotional, and physical/intellectual disabilities. If your organization is looking to train and certify your staff in CPR and First Aid at your location or one of our many CPR Training Centers in New York, New Jersey and Pennsylvania, as well as the proper use of an AED please check out the CPR Certification Solutions Training Center near you..!
By Neil Tucker, M.Ed., EMT., TECC,
American Heart Association BLS Instructor with CPR Certification Solutions