3 Tips for Staying Safe in the Summertime

Summer is finally upon us and we all have trips to the beach and bbqs on our minds. Along with having fun in the sun, the following tips will keep your family safe while allowing you to maximize your time outdoors.
The more time spent in the heat, the more we sweat. The more we sweat, the more we need to replenish our water. Hydrating before, during and after outdoor activities is an integral part of staying safe in the heat. The American Heart Association frowns on sodas and other sugary drinks, so if your child refuses water, choose another option that is high in electrolytes that will keep them properly hydrated.
Recognizing the symptoms of heat exhaustion and heat stroke
Muscle cramps, dizziness, nausea and vomiting are just a few of the symptoms of heat exhaustion. If your family is not properly hydrated while spending lots of time in the hot sun, they can experience the symptoms of heat exhaustion. Moving those affected into a cool space and providing plenty of hydration will help prevent the need for further medical attention.
If symptoms worsen into confusion or unconsciousness, lack of sweating and high fever, your loved one may be experiencing heat stroke. Immediate medical attention is necessary and it is time to call 911.
Water safety and the importance of CPR training
What would the summer be without time spent swimming in the pool or body surfing at the beach? The following points are crucial for maintaining a safe environment for your little ones in the water.
Supervision is key - never allow your children to be more than arm’s length away while by the water
Swimming lessons - providing your children with the knowledge of how to swim is very important
Get your CPR / AED certification - knowing what to do if an emergency such as a near-drowning does occur will make you feel confident regardless of whether you ever have the need to use it