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SMK Branding presentation (add link here)
SMK Branding presentation (add link here)
#everyoneshould Instuctors are able to:
Create a positive energy for everyone involve
Get better at what they do each time they do it
#everyoneshould Instuctors:
Make their own schedule
Earn over double the industry standard teaching AHA Courses
#everyoneshould Instuctors:
Need to give their schedules 45 days in advance
Understand that this role involves two way social media student interaction
If this seems good to you
Empower individuals with the knowledge and skills to save lives.
If you are interested in speaking with a member of the #everyoneshould human resources team regarding possible career opportunities or just a good side hustle please fill out the form below or give us a call
+1-908-484-6353 We are here until 10:00pm each night or we can reach back to you

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