There is Fear in the Water at the Jersey Shore
Growing up in the Northeast, we experience the four seasons in a way that most of the country does not. Our spring is quite short and...

Water safety: Protect your child from drowning
Water is fun for children to play in, children are drawn towards it, and it is a quick escapade from the burning heat of the summer. But...

Hot Weather and Heart Disease: A Dangerous Combination
Heat plus heart disease can equal cardiac arrest Summer is coming and temperatures are rising. People are spending more time outdoors....

Early Childhood Education - Preparing Your Teachers with a CPR Certification
How to ensure your teaching staff knows their ABC’s...and CPR I recently had the opportunity to return to my children’s preschool as a...

Top 4 Things You Need to Know Before Bringing Home Baby
Properly installing the infant car seat for the ride home - and every ride Infant car seats are designed for rear-facing use only. Yes,...

Looking for a CPR certification? AHA vs. Red Cross CPR Certifications – are they all the same?
Whether for work, school or personal knowledge, you have lots of options when looking for a CPR certification course. You will find two...

Does Your Nanny Have CPR Certification?
Your maternity leave is almost over and it’s time to return to work. The thought of leaving your precious newborn in someone else’s care...

The Skills Your Teen Needs to Become a Lifeguard this Summer
The Skills Your Teen Needs to Become a Lifeguard this Summer The weather is getting warmer and the end of the school year is almost in...

Cardiac Arrest vs. Heart Attack. Knowing the difference can save a life
Many people equate a heart attack and cardiac arrest but, in fact, the two are quite different. How can you as a bystander tell the...

When Seconds Matter… How Fast Can You Find an AED?
Cardiac arrest can happen to anyone, anywhere - just ask Bob Harper! Cardiac arrest can happen to anyone, anywhere and without warning. ...