Yes, You Can Save Your Pet’s Life with CPR
Your pets may be as near and dear to you as your own children, but you might not know that you can perform CPR on them in an emergency....

How Long Can Your High-Quality CPR Training keep Someone Alive?
All medical professionals agree that the sooner CPR is started after someone’s heart stops the better. But just how long can you continue...

A Leading Cause of Death: How to Identify and Respond to an Opioid Overdose
In 2015, more than 52,000 people died of drug overdoses in the U.S. making overdoses the leading cause of death among Americans under 50...

Tom Petty’s Death: Understanding Cardiac Arrest, CPR AED Training
When rock legend Tom Petty, the celebrated frontman of the Heartbreakers, passed away on October 2, many wondered what would cause a...

Preparing for a Natural Disaster: When CPR and First Aid Training Are Crucial
Even though September came to a close, there’s still time to take note that it’s National Emergency Preparedness Month. With three major...

Smoke Inhalation: How to Detect and Handle An Emergency
Many people may think that burns from extreme temperatures are the most hazardous aspect of fires, but the leading cause of death from...

Suffocation Prevention: How to Keep Your Child Safe While Sleeping
While most parents focus on making an infant’s crib cute and cozy, their biggest priority should be making it safe. In the United States,...

The Dangers of Drowning and 5 Tips To Reduce the Risk
With a number of drowning deaths reported along the New Jersey coast this summer, beach safety should be on everyone’s minds as they...

7 Things You Should Know About Zika and How To Prevent It
Since Zika first gained international attention in early 2016, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has sought to...

3 Tips for Staying Safe in the Summertime
Summer is finally upon us and we all have trips to the beach and bbqs on our minds. Along with having fun in the sun, the following tips...